
North Little Rock Times

Sunday, September 22, 2024

ST. JOSEPH CHURCH – CONWAY: Baby Coverlets and Baby Items for Life Choices

CloseKnit Faith Community helps to welcome newly baptized baby parishioners through our knitting and crocheting

ministry. We make small, baby carrier coverlets for our newest Catholics. We enjoy using pastels, and bright colors

alike for these special new St. Joe parishioners.

During Advent we focus on making baby items to donate them to Life Choices, the Faulkner County pregnancy center.

We make baby sweaters, booties, baby wraps and more. Those are presented to the ministry at Christmas as our gift to

celebrate the birth of Baby Jesus. Making the baby items often conjures up memories of our own family members’ birth.

Life Choices serves our community and helps the expectant parent find joy in the impending new life. The staff and

volunteers at the agency are so very devoted in their ministry. CKFC is happy to help support them in their work.

As with all the items we make and give to the community, the baby coverlets and other baby items are blessed before

being distributed.

Original source can be found here.