
North Little Rock Times

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

CONWAY CITY: Rock Region METRO Hosts Two September Public Information Meetings in Conway

Rock Region METRO, on behalf of the City of Conway, will launch the METRO Connect Conway public microtransit service zone in late October and is hosting two public information meetings Sept. 13 and 14 to inform the public about the service and how it works ahead of the launch. METRO Connect Conway microtransit service will offer on-demand, point-to-point, shared-ride trips within the city with an easy-to-use ride-booking interface, real-time vehicle information, reasonable wait and travel times, and affordable fares.

“Ever since Conway became eligible for its own federal public transit funding, we’ve been working on what type of service would best meet the needs of our residents and guests. We are excited to share more with the community about our pending microtransit service – where it will go and how easy it is to use. Public transit service will only enhance the city’s most recent initiatives as we continue to progressively plan and develop an appealing place to live, work and play,” said Mayor Bart Castleberry.

The meetings are Tuesday, Sept. 13, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. and Wednesday, Sept. 14, 5:30-7 p.m. at Conway City Hall, 1111 Main St., Conway.

Conway surpassed a population of 50,000 residents in the last several years, spawning the creation of its own Urbanized Area as determined by the U.S. Census; this change made the City eligible for federal public transit funding. In February 2018, the Conway City Council approved a resolution that named METRO the direct recipient of its Federal Transit Administration Urbanized Area Formula Program funds, referred to as 5307 funds. Through this agreement, METRO operates public transit within the City using funds that remain with METRO for use but are earmarked for Conway transit service and transit-oriented projects. The partnership utilizes METRO’s experience as the state’s largest public transit agency and allows Conway the opportunity to launch a new mobility-oriented public service for its residents and guests.

Meeting dates, times & locations:

Tuesday, September. 13, 2022, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.

Conway City Hall, 1111 Main St., Conway

Wednesday, Sept. 14, 2022, 5:30-7 p.m.

Conway City Hall, 1111 Main St., Conway

Original source can be found here.